When we take a positive action

When I got an e-mail carrying this picture, it struck my heart

The sea is stained in red and in the mean while it’s not because of the climate effects of nature.

It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilised human) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins.

This happens every year in Feroe Iland in Denmark. In this slaughter the main participants are young teens.
A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature!
In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a spectator”

Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, it’s near extinction and they get near men to play and interact. In a way of PURE friendship

They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim cry like that of a new born child

But he suffers and there’s no compassion while this magnificent creature slowly dies in its own blood

I forwarded the e-mail to my friends; I got a reply…..
Oh, My dear Amel,

This is such an outrage! I have not been this angry in a very long time! If they think that is what it takes to prove they are a "man" or "mature", they are so very, very wrong! All that proves is that they are cruel monsters, with no compassion for the feelings of others, and no respect for the wondrous gift God gave us when He gave us all sorts of wonderful animals. And the horrors those poor animals endure so needlessly has got to be stopped - and NOW!

I am going to send this to other people, in the hopes it will eventually reach someone who can and WILL do something to stop this heinous behavior. God gave man dominion over the animals, not to abuse, neglect, mistreat or murder them, but to care for them, and to give back to them what they give to us.

I read an AOL news page about two weeks ago that had me so upset I cried myself to sleep that night, and then began crying when I woke the next morning. It told of two young men in Australia who had stolen a woman's seven month old terrier puppy. They then took a knife and a pair of garden shears and tortured the poor thing to death.

They first cut off the dog's legs, one at a time (the poor thing was crying and tried to run away on the bloody stumps left after they cut his legs off), then they continued to torture him by cutting open his little belly and disemboweling him, then they cut off his head.

They way they were caught was that they actually used their cell phone to video the incident, and then left the cell phone near the dog (they must have dropped it and didn't realize it). The dog's name was "Peanut", so if you will, please google "Peanut's Law" to find the petition, and ask your family and friends to sign the petition which is requesting the government to make the penalties for crimes like this MUCH harsher.

I truly apologize if these graphic, gruesome details are upsetting to you to read, but I am hoping if we can get enough attention on this, as well as those poor dolphins, maybe, just maybe, we can get the laws changed, and people who commit such horrendous crimes will get the punishment they deserve.

I think that is the only way people like that will ever stop doing such horrible things to innocent animals, whose only voice is people like us who care enough to send these emails to as many people as possible.

As hard as it was for me to look at the photos of those poor, murdered dolphins, I knew I had to. I feel I owe it to them to look at those photos, because that will help spur my determination to do anything I can to help see to it that horrible acts like this are no longer tolerated.

I will also keep those dolphins in my prayers, as well as all animals, that maybe people will come to their senses one day and stop such horrific actions, and that the laws will be changed to give much harsher punishment to ANYONE who does something like that to an animal.

Thank you for sharing this with me,
Love and hugs,

Here I replied:
My dear ,

It pleased me very much thay you responded to my message and tried to take a positive action towards this hirrific action.. this is what we all must feel and do, coz if we just read the message sorrowfully then did nothing, we would be like silent witnesses.

In the Arabic literature it is said, that when a group of people were in a ship, and some wished to make a hole in that ship for some reason, if the rest stopped them and watched for them, they will all be safe, but if every one just minded his own business, all of then will die!

We all on earth are indeed in one ship, and time strongly proved that, we now get affected with what others do to nature.

In the Islamic literature, a man entered the Paradise for a dog, prophet Muhammad said: once there was a man walking in the desert, feeling very thirsty, till he found a well, he went down the well and drank, when he climbed up he found a dog eating earth for it was very thirsty, the man said "this dog reached the same extent of thirst as what I reached", so he went down again, filled his shoes with water and watered the dog, "so God Thanked him, so He Forgaved him"

on the other hand, "a woman got to Hell for a cat, she locked it up, neither fed it, nor let it feed from earth's plantings"

even insects must be treated carefully, once Prophet Muhammad was out in the desert with his companions, they slept by an ant hole, they were annoyed with the ants and wished to burn the hole, but Prophet Muhammad said " No one should burn with fire but the Lord of fire"

even stealing the small chicks of a bird was prohibited, and there are scriptures in other religions that clearly state that, but people just forget that and run after their desires!

What was included in the message doesn't differ from what happens in spain when chasing bulls, it is absolutely nonsense!

also people who make festivals of tomato, throwing each others with tomato and pressing it under their shoes as if there is no hungry human on earth!!!

People just forget that all what God created for us is a blessing that needs being so thankful for and needs fair treatment and continuous care.

the story you mentioned for the poor little dog is so disgusting to even imagine, how could a human turn into a wild beast, who likes torture and scenes of blood, even the wild animals dont kill unless they are hungry!!!

There must be a defect in their psychology, attributed to careless raising, coz this is not only against religion, but also against human pure nature.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. To my sorrow, this is a real image, why do humans treat nature so badly?
