A small piece of poetry

This poetry caused a great deal of debate when I published it long time ago, I saw this was a good chance to know how other people think about me and my religion.

I can't call it a perfect poetry, in fact it is my 1st trial to write poetry in English, and I didn't mean it to be, but those who read it considered it to be "poetry". Anyway, let's have a look:

Oh I love my religion

Being its follower is a blessing

It saves me even from myself

My religion saved me even before I was born

By ordering my father to choose the best woman

The kindest and most religious

It forbade my father from killing me by abortion

No matter what the reason is

It ordered my father to choose me a good name

And give me the best education he can

Then find me a good, kind and generous husband

And gave me freedom to choose the one I want to marry

I am also free to work or not to work

But on condition that I do my duty towards my home and children 1st

My religion ordered my husband to treat me the best way he can, even if he hated me

As he should be fair with me and give me honor and respect

My religion forbade me from making affairs out of marriage

So it saved me from being a single mother

Or I can't then face life alone

My religion forbade me from killing myself, coz my soul is not mine,

But it belongs to my creator

My religion forbade me from ruining my health

No alcohol, no drug addiction, no smoking

So that I always have good health of body and mind

My rights are always reserved

So no body has the right to take them from me

If he did so, he would be questioned in Day of Judgment.

And because every one in my country fears that day,

They stick to the good deeds

This is why I feel safe living among those people,

As long as they stick to their religion

This is a great blessing.

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